I'm really sorry in advance if theres any grammatical error in this! I just wanted to rant a little and maybe inspire someone to go and watch any of these films if they alrady haven't :).
1. The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975).
One of many cult classics who I simply can rewatch and never get tired of, only I wish I could be my recently out of the closet 16 years old me again to feel what I felt witnessing Tim Curry stepping out of an elevator singing about being a transvestie from Transexual Transilvania in fishnets and making a man for his own pleasure.
2. Trainspotting (1996).
A movie about the misery of every day people back when the epidemic of hard drugs was at it's peak, how most addicts used drugs to cope; how we ourselves find something to cope to get through life no matter how damaging those coping mechanisms would affect us and the people around us.
3. Speak (2004).
One of Kristen Stewart best acting roles about a girl who is struggling with her mental health, none of her friends talks to her caused by her calling the police at one party. This one hits me personally since I deeply connect to Melinda(Kristen) and her struggle through all the film, from how she copes with art to the point where she feels detached from her parents.
4. The Perks of Beings a Wallflower (2012).
A film, based of the novel by the same name, about a really introverted boy who is trying to get trough high school who suddenly befriends two seniors, every character in this movie is so deep with a heavy past who follows them I wish I could hug most of them. Watching how Charlie grows more confident in himself makes a part of me so happy and have hope in maybe It's ok to be a little lost.
5. Dead Poets Society (1989).
I could write pages over pages about this movie and how it made me feel the first time I saw it and it wouldn't be enough to give it justice. Watching how a professor who's actually interested in his students instead on their grades or how "successful" they will be in a future many of them don't desire. He actually cares about them, how they think, their aspirations in life, he makes them think for themselves and encourages to fulfill their ambitions on life. Also, as a queer person, the simple but notable layer of queercoding in this movie should be talked more, the way Neil is treated by his father the whole time, how the school board is based on "tradition" and the reject of any free thinking. I love this film so much I wish I could hug every single one of the poets and mr. Keatings.
6. The Grand Budapest Hotel.
What can I say about this film that isn't good? Simply one of Wes Anderson most iconic movies, and prettiest. a movie about a girl, who reads a book about a man who hears a story about a lobby boy who meets a man who runs a hotel for which the story, the book, and the movie are named for.
7. Bottoms (2023).
A comedy about two lesbians best friends in high school who are in love with two popular cheerleaders and start a fight club for women self-defense but they end up beating each other. Finally another funny movie about lesbians that doesn't ends in a tragedy, one of the funniest movies I have watched this year, everyone should watch this one.
8. The Lighthouse (2019).
Two lighhouse keepers trying not to loose their sanity while working in a remote island only in each others company; the deep criticism of the capitalistic society we live in through only two characters, the struggle of loneliness and repulsion. The performance both Robert Pattinson and Williem Dafoe gave us is just amazing.
9. Maurice (1987).
Based on the novel by E. M. Foster about two gay men, their short relationship, and how they cope about being queer in the early 20th century how one of them decides to compel society and marry a woman meanwhile the other falls in love with another man. A tragic history but sadly accurate to the period but with a happy ending. I think seeing Hugh Grant kissing another man changed the chemistry of my brain.
10. Little Miss Sunshine (2006).
One of my comfort films who I can't get tired of, every single character on here have a very unique thing to them I wish I could study them under a microscope. Such a roller coaster of eomotiong from the beginning to the end, so many moments were I could just rant about.
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El cinéfilo mamador original.
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BEFFBEJKNW en mi defensa esta lista es antigua y tenia pensado hacer una version actualizada d este blog
by aquaticWizardry; ; Report
amazing list, love little miss sunshine, watched it a lot when i was tiny
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