Tatsu0ni's profile picture

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Category: SpaceHey

Spacehey experience after 1000 profile views n 3 months

Alright I have reached 1000 profile views. So I'll just go through what's the experience has been for me for the past 3 months.

I started out on spacehey in the middle of summer this year and I have 1038 profile views, 119 friends. It's been an interesting experience so far. I made a bunch of blogs, I customized my profile with a preset layout that I modified it to my liking, I don't have the time to do layouts from scratch.

The cool part: I liked that there was some interactivity in the blogs n bulletins - comments, draw boards n other things we spaceheyers come up with to include in the bulletins n blogs;

It's really awesome to see so many customized profiles n blogs, it's also a entertaining activity to customize it yourself!

I met bunch of really awesome ppl here, especially artists! It was fun to also do a aggie io draw session with some of them! (if anyone is interested we could also do the aggie io session). I also did a collab on a gamejam game with Wubzilla, still need to work on it once I aint busy with the work n bus learning stuff;

I sometimes explore blogs by new and it's definitely fun!

You can make your spacehey experience more active by interacting with a bunch of ppl.

The sad part: there were bunch of cool active people that just straight up deleted their account. All of their comments, kudos n blogs are pretty much gone. riperoni. It's somewhat sad to see that happen;

Some people just aren't active anymore at some point so that's just how it is on spacehey;

The blogs I'd make wouldn't always get noticed or ppl just weren't interested in them;

There's a bunch of controversial ppl that appear time to time. I have added someone b4 and saw not good things about them with some screenshot proofs so... I had to remove them;

There's bots and odd profiles that appear on the new ppl section with nsfw profile pics n what not. There's some ways to avoid it, but it can be some extra work;

There's no dark mode on spacehey 💀💀 .

That's pretty much it.

Thanks for checkin' out my blogs n hopefully this website will stick around for the future. I liked it so far in here despite some cons :v

9 Kudos


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LectroNyx's profile picture

Dark mode is one of the perks of modern internet that I *do* appreciate

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âkumâ~>'s profile picture

The no dark mode is so real 🤞🏻 but if I strain my eyes hard enough I could get used to the authenticity of blinding white.
And I agree, going through friends profiles is sooooo cool. It's super interesting how everyone uniquely customises their profiles. It's like walking into someones personal safe space.

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Explodes from the whiteness of the website each time i open it up.
The profiles bring me back the gaia online days lmao

by Tatsu0ni; ; Report