W4CHI.XXX's profile picture

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Category: Life

Gender euphoria or wtv its called,,,

So ive been keeping this to myself for a long time now but the first time and most recent time i have used dr0g4z, more precisesly the ones that make you see sh1t, i've experienced this kind of transformation where i completely change pêrsonallity and so i start to feel like the opposit gender.

i'm not complaining as i have always wanted to feel a lot more feminin but it hurts to know that you have to use dr0g4z to feel that way. like why cant i just naturally turn into a girl and be socially accepted that way lol, im not hurting anyone and yet a lot of ppl would be mad about it.

i still wish that feeling could last forever (minus the heavy psychedelic shapes and figures you see lol) 

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