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Category: Writing and Poetry

Mikaela Makes A New Language

as always i have no idea what tag to use here but oh well . 

Recently I've started working on a new Proto Language conlang cuz I think it would be cool to evolve it into families later . I don't really have much done right now but ill share what I do . 


consonants : / p , pʷ , b , bʷ , t , tʷ , d , dʷ , q , ɢ , qʷ , ɢʷ , m , mʷ , ɱ , n ‚ nʷ , ɲ , ɲʷ , ɸ , ɸʷ , β , βʷ , f , v , s , sʷ , z , zʷ , x , xʷ , ɣ , ɣʷ , l , lʷ , ʎ , ʎʷ /

vowels : / i , u , a , o , ai̯ , oi̯ , au̯ , iu̯ /

as well as a rising , flat and falling tone 


Here is how to describe every of the sounds above :

/p/ - P , /b/ - B , /pʷ/ - Pw , /bʷ/ - Bw
/t/ - T , /d/ - D , /tʷ/ - Tw , /dʷ/ - Dw
/q/ - K , /ɢ/ - C , /qʷ/ - Kw , /ɢʷ/ - Gw
/m/ - M , /mʷ/ - Mw , /ɱ/ - 'M, /n/ - N , /nʷ/ - Nw
/ɸ/ - 'F, /ɸʷ/ - 'Fw, /β/ - 'V, /βʷ/ - 'Vw
/f/ - F , /v/ - V
/s/ - S , /sʷ/ - Sw , /z/ - Z , /zʷ/ - Zw
/x/ - H , /xʷ/ - Hw , /ɣ/ - G , /ɣʷ/ - Gw
/l/ - L , /lʷ/ - Lw , /ʎ/ - 'L, /ʎʷ/ - 'Lw
/i/ - I , /u/ - U , /a/ - A , /o/ - O 
/ai/ - Aı, /oi/ - Oı, /au/ - Au, /iu/ - Iu
rising tone - á
flat tone - a
falling tone - à

i use a dotless i for stylistic purposes its not required


so far i dont really have any vocab lmao i started the language like yesterday and I'll probably abandon it in a week or 2 cuz no motivation hahaha

pronouns :

1 - 'fwaı
2 - cumw
m - g'màun
f - nhwı
a - vóı'm
i - ku

note that these (and all nouns ) will have a prefix that shows if theyre a subject or an object in the sentence
subject marker - càu
object marker - ım

the a stands for animated so basically animals and stuff thats not human but alive (no not plants shut up) the i stands for inanimate

verbs :

to be - lıum
to have 'lwa
to like - 'mùn
to love - gwı
to hate - stwa'n
to create - 'fó
to destroy - 'lwıu'm
to live - hwàı
to die - dùnw

conjugation :

1 - -hwò
2 - -b'vaı
m - -anw
f - -co'
a - -'lı
i - -kí

suffixes : 

ok so verbs are like the main version of a word if that makes sense , but there's a way to make an adjective or a noun out of any of them with these :

noun marker (subject) - 'vàı
noun marker (object) - ı'n
adjective marker (subject) - aun
adjective marker (object) - mwòı

basically the difference is that "'fó'vàı" would be creator while "'fòı'n" would be creation (i hope tis makes sense)

--Stuff that should be in phonetics but i forgot to put it there--

the language is monosylabic and agglutinative (like chinese) , the syllabic structure is

uuh i hope you guys find that cool or whatever idk if im gonna finish it probably not cuz no attention span , but if i do ill keep u guys updated . If you have questions ask in the comments thats all 4 now bai bai

25 Kudos


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Ballistic_Chan's profile picture

You're making more progress than me I'm working on a proto-lang for my world but it's so difficult idk why

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I haven't worked on it in like 2 weeks T_T I keep forgetting to

by Maya Mikaela; ; Report

Real. Tbh I am just too lazy and thinking of phonetic trees/charts or wtv is too much, I'm very lazy :(

by Ballistic_Chan; ; Report


Ballistic_Chan's profile picture

You're making more progress than me I'm working on a proto-lang for my world but it's so difficult idk why

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xXRawr_SaurusXx's profile picture

This is super freaking epic

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Maya Mikaela

Maya Mikaela's profile picture

example sentence : lıumhwò càu'fwaı ımmıkaıla - I am Mikaela

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