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Category: Music

Constant recurrence of delusions IS OUT NOW!!! + GREAT NEWS

Hey everyone, I got great news tonight so let's just get to the point.

The Protagonist's newest release Constant recurrence of delusions is out now. 

I thought that it would take me a long time to make, but I proved myself otherwise.

It's very different compared to the previous albums by The Protagonist because of how it uses deterioration in the quality of sound and repetition within the melodies to show how brain fails at recalling memories and interpreting information properly. 

It's the beginning of a new era of The Protagonist with a brand new style of music and artwork.

BH Obsidian did an outstanding job at encapsulating the scenery of this album, and he will be making the album covers for most things from now on.

You should listen to it now, I'm pretty sure that you'll love it.


The Protagonist's microsite is 100% complete. Some changes include a cool new intro screen, improved and complete pages of releases, and the "classic" factoid styled pages have returned under the gallery tab. I'm so proud to finally announce this, go check it out! 

THE PROTAGONIST - Sonic4 Test Records

A microsite for Stomach Acid has been made, go check it out as well:

STOMACH ACID - Sonic4 Test Records

And, another microsite has been made for BH Obsidian, go check it out:

BH Obsidian Gallery - Sonic4 Test Records

A brand new YouTube channel.

I've been promising a proper YouTube channel for months, and it's finally a reality. 

YouTube: sonic4test   /   BitView: sonic4test

@sonic4test is a brand new channel that has music videos selected tracks by Sonic4 and The Protagonist. Sometimes, giving less is better than giving more. And yes, I will be keeping my promise of uploading full album videos in the future. (for real this time, trust me and keep waiting)

The logo was again, made by BH Obsidian and I'd like to thank him once again for this masterpiece.

Anything else?

There probably is minor improvements and changes on my website, and I forgot what they are but you can probably go see them for yourself.

As for future releases, I can tell some stuff.

Local Radar is working on numerous albums, and all you can do is keep waiting until they're finished.

STALE03 (a Christmas release) is planned, and it will release in December 25th.

There isn't anything new besides those. Same old stuff gathering dust the same way as they always did.

I'll be working on my website and my youtube channel, so yeah, see ya

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