Cryptidize | Digital Assi...'s profile picture

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Category: Web, HTML, Tech

Frequently Asked Questions


  • What is this place and why did you make it?

This is the digital literacy hub. Essentially, this will hopefully be a intensive guide to computers, the internet, HTML5/CSS coding, and more. I made it because I realized recently (2023) that a lot of folks are lacking in basic knowledge of computers like file extensions or the difference between the www. and https://. While it may not seem to big, that lack of knowledge can make someone feel powerless when things go wrong. Sometimes that knowledge gap could actually put their security and privacy at risk if they didn't know about phishing or trojan files. To put it plainly, I want more people to be safer and kinder on the web. I want more freeware and more people willing to touch code. I want more open source projects and involvement in large scale movements. 

The major reason why I'm making this instead of pushing a different course is that most digital literacy courses only cover the bare basics, along with maybe some HTML and Microsoft Office Applications. It's pitiful how hard it is to find a modern, up-to-date course for this topic. So I'm trying to make it easier by making this.

If Spacehey is to ever go offline, I will be backing this up onto a separate site. I'm not sure where yet, but for now, these are saved as text files on my computer.

  • Who are you and what else do you do?

My name is Cryptidize! Cryptid for short. I'm a technology enthusiast with a background in graphic design and web, though that's just who I am online. I can be a little silly and dorky at times, but I do my best to be open and inclusive to everyone. I am trans (he/they/xe/it are all great for me) :)

I create digital illustrations and music in my free time as well as code websites, write this blog, play video games, and learn about anything and everything that interests me! I'm working on getting involved with 3D modeling so I can start helping my friend build a game!

If you're interested in that, you can consider visiting my neocities. I'm Cryptidize on every platform I'm on, so if you can't find me on a certain app, I'm probably not there :P 

  • Can we request more topics to be added?

You absolutely can! Comment below to request a topic - I'll delete the ones that I get to and respond why I won't to the ones I don't.

  • I think you explained [xyz] wrong!

I haven't gotten this comment yet but it's an inevitable reality - I don't know everything. In fact, I'd consider my technology skill as intermediate/apprentice level. While I'm building this course, I am searching high and low, comparing multiple reputable articles from across the web to make what you see here in this course. I try really hard not to overexplain or underexplain topics of discussion. If there's something weird or wrong about the articles I write, please email me at with the subject line "Digital Literacy".

  • Can you help me code my website?

Actually, yes I can! But not for free, sadly. My time is spread pretty thin, but I am more than happy to make time for clients who want to have a site! Throughout the building process, I'll teach you the basics of HTML and how to manage your code (only if you wanna learn though, I won't force you). Depending on the complexity, we can work out a price based on how many pages you'd like and how strenuous it would be to set up special items like a chatroom or oekaki board. Email me at with the subject line "Website Commission" if you're interested.

  • I have a tech/HTML coding/digital problem - how do I solve it?

I would preview my How To Google and aggregated search lessons in my course - you'd be surprised at how many people might be dealing with your same problem on a Github forum or Reddit thread somewhere. Otherwise, you can always try the rubber duck debugging method, which is commonly used by programmers but works great for troubleshooting too! The idea is that when a programmer needs to debug their code, they should explain the program line-by-line to a rubber duck. Often, the act of explaining the problem step by step will cause the solution to present itself.

If you're having problems that you'd rather just throw money at than time, again, you can always email me. Depending on the severity of your issue, I only charge $16/hour for technical support, so it tends to be affordable if you're really stuck on something. Just a warning though, I cannot help you with p!racy projects or deep web HTML. Not because I don't want to, I just can't be paid for it.

For troubleshooting, email me at with the subject line "Technical Support".

Authors Note: In the modern world, it's almost impossible to navigate daily life without a way to access the web. This, of course, poses an accessibility issue as we embark on newer and faster ways of communication - technology tends to leave our most vulnerable in the dust. Impoverished people and elders struggle to keep up with the world around them. As coders, designers, engineers, we MUST think of alternatives and accessibility points for people to use as we implement new tech. As a general user, exercise patience with your grandparents and neighbors. I will be condensing this course into a PDF in the future to be passed out by hand on paper. Please, educate and help uplift your fellow users.

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