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Category: Blogging

sleepøver summary!!

fid and i had this really cøøl sleepøver!!

first day she arrived we didnt do that much but we played arøund with different søunds and chørds ør whatnøt øn my keybøard and i shøwed her the amazing digital circus!! she løved it her favs are jax and caine

next we decided we wanna make ears øf bønnie før me and føxy før her since we were gønna gø tø the fnaf møvie. also in that time we were arguing with a girl that used tø be in øur schøøl it was real funny cuz ive never seen a persøn møre cløse-minded

we were døing that until like 4 am then øn the next day we went tø the fnaf møvie!!

it was absølutely awesøme except they had issues with øur ticket in the system sø we had tø take a later seance

and when the seance we were suppøsed tø gø tø ended, a løt øf really cøøl girls came øut and they asked tø take pics with us!! it was sø cute hehe

sø then we watched the møvie AND I ABSØLUTELY HATED IT i mean its gøød as a møvie BUT NØT AS A FNAF MØVIE

sø we came høme had søme sentimental cønversatiøns and went tø sleep at abøut 1 am

next day!! which is tøday we literally just had breakfast watched søme yøutube and she left :(

nøt like im that sad abøut it but i didnt expect her tø get picked up sø early

hi fid if yøure reading this!!

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def doing german hw

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