To love men is to love what devours them. To know of the innerworkings is not enough-- to recognize the Truth is not enough. Time eats away at us. Like those dogs it feels the need for hunger. We cannot, cannot satisy that need. Could we love then, too, the violent act of devouring that we are victims of? What else are we, then, as humans, other than victims of Time?
Love is an act of violence in and of itself. The point of extreme pain, pain given on that wheel of St.Catherine, lightheadedness steps in; That swoon, is it love?
We bake under the sun of the iron bull.
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The ritual of the Latin Mass is a Ritual of devouring. Christ's body is reborn every time the Congregation is called, and every breaking of the bread we consume His body. .
So, if we can be brought to love our hunger, to love [REDACTED] (physical conquerers that we are), could we love what devours Men?
Ergo, sum.
Every man, living&dead, suffers in his existence. It is the price paid in exchange for choice. Thus, every day Man chooses to destroy himself. Children who know no better. And we watch.
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