okay soooo first blog post. i'm not really sure what to write. that being said i'm looking forward to using the blog feature plenty! aside from diary-esque posts, i think that it might be cool to post book reviews... or any type of review really. having a daily song rec attached to the diary entry might be neat too! i don't plan on over sharing or giving y'all every little detail of my life but i, like countless others, have a desire to be seen and heard, and to connect. so yeah. i'll just share whatever i feel like sharing :)
another thing i want to say is how happy it makes me to see these indie social medias/platforms thriving. modern day internet culture is so impersonal and toxic. posting is no longer about making friends or talking about common interests, it is about who has the most seemingly "perfect" life. so many interactions online are either intensely shallow or extremely toxic. my goal by being on spacehey is to not only fight the rising capitalist-centric ways of today's online world, but to make genuine friendships with people.
i think that's all for today, but i will be back tomorrow with a diary post and perhaps something more!
- best wishes, wilhelmina
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