I seriously cannot say this enough, having so much time to do fun things or important things at home is awesome, but to just spend all that time scrolling on my phone for hours (probably in bed) just feels like an absolute waste. I don't even gain anything afterwards. Nor do i feel good. Tbh thats kinda where i learned my lesson to be more productive. It's great, and prodcutivity doesn't just mean working or studying or anything like that, it may also mean just doing something you've wanted to do or evenĀ wanted to do it for a long time! For me, it's learning how to knit (not that ive even tried that yet but i REALLY want to tho), or getting better at spanish, or makin bracelets, or watching shows on my laptop. Funny thing is, I was so addicted to my phone ( i still kinda am) that I didn't even wanna go on my laptop. Pretty crazy right? I'm not perfect at it, I'm still trying to work on being productive. Hopefully I'll get the hang of it. We should focus on our hobbies and not just social media.

Productivity is the best!
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fang :D)
i related to this too much lol,, social media addiction is no joke!! D: i think its because of how easy access it is.. but spending time on hobbies is really a productive feeling!! albeit a struggle to get started, the first step is the most important one! ill hope you continue in your productivity!!!!!!!!