de pride isle sanatorium (unfnished fan-fic)




As Mikan gazed over the horizon after an hour-long voyage to De Pride Island, she thought Maybe this wasn’t the best idea…  But it’s too late to turn back now. Yeah! I’m gonna be my best self here!! 

With the rest of the group, Mikan wandered along the forest, and found herself accidentally staring at someone’s back. Then he turned around and asked “What brings you here?” Mikan’s eyes turned away shyly and finally responded “I wanted to start a new life,” and smiled nervously. 

“Nice,” He responded. “Having never had any parents, I'm trying to find any place I can.” He added, “I'm not complaining, though– Anyway, let's get up the mountain before darkness sets in.

And the rest followed.

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

The rest of the journey dragged on until they reached a huge pastel-pink building, with a HUGE white cross at the top. 

Their silence got interrupted by a loud, and high voice said “WOW THIS PLACE IS SO COOL AND BIG!!!!”  “Do you know how many people live there? Probably a million!”

“If there were a million, I don’t know how I’d survive.” Mikan joked. Then she thought Are we really the only people here?  The energetic girl skipped ahead of Mikan. “Oh– yeah– I’m Gina!” Gina had shiny blonde hair and a silky bow attached to a headband. And, she had big black eyes, like a ba “What’s your name?”  She asked, smiling happily. “U-Uhm– My name is Mikan, It's short for Mikarashi.”

“What a cool name! Cute!” Before Mikan could thank her, the tall wooden doors of the building opened and revealed a cheerful dark haired woman, in a pink and princess-like nurses’ gown.

She held a Precious Moments Holy Bible and announced “Welcome all newcomers and refugees! So amazing to have thou arrive here!” She began. “Thou are all welcome here, for this the holiest site of all!!” She continued.

All of thou shall enter, where thou will live for all eternity! The woman’s last line sent a chill down Mikan’s spine. “...where thou shall live for all eternity.”


“Please, come this way! Thou shall be soy delighted to live here!” The nurse said. She led everyone through the main hall, walking past a desk with a short-haired nurse sitting at the desk.

The nurse leads the group to a closet full of pink and blue hospital-like uniforms on display. “This display shows what clothes thou will be wearing in this holy place.

Gina stared at the uniforms in awe.

“Thou may decide which thou would like, and afterwards, we shall guide thou to our changing room.”

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

“It is time for an early dinner!! The sun shall set in one hour, please eat as much as needed!” The main nurse’s voice  blasted through the speakers across the sanatorium. Mikan started to panic about being with too many people and remembered to (or at least try) to be social with others.

After easing herself, Mikan walked into the cafeteria.

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Mikan sat by herself at a table and wondered what kind of food a Sanatorium would even serve. Lost in thought, two other patients came over to her table and one of them asked “Can we sit with you? All the other seats are taken.” “S-Sure!!” Mikan yelled awkwardly. She tried to manage a smile.

The both of them sat down and the boy eased back into the seat, saying “Hope the nurses think we’ve behaved well enough. If we have Urchin Stew, I’m gonna scream.”

Mikan inspected the two patients at the table and noticed how they were taller than her and thought they’re older than her. Ugh, how awkward!! She thought. “You're new here, right?” The girl asked. “i-I got here an hour ago,” Mikan struggled to answer. “Not the only one, though,” She continued.

“Well duh, newcomers come every–like–3 times a week!” “Anyway, what’s your name, newbie?”

“Uuhm– I’m M-Mikan.” She tried to answer. Nice. I’m Naomi– And this sleepy goofball behind me’s Okano.” Okano woke back up, “hey there!” “Super sorry about being quiet. I haven’t been sleeping a lot, I wake up in a hallway most of the time!”

⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅

Naomi had dark, wavy, super long black hair that curled at the end. She had a white beanie, too. Okano had scruffy hair of the same color, with silly strands hanging out. He had heavy bags under his big, dopey eyes.

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eri the vampire 🦇🩸

eri the vampire 🦇🩸's profile picture

MiKAN SUBASHI is my pen name btw

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