October 21, 2023 - Around 20:00; it's Saturday.
Had my 'eat the rich moment' five minutes three hours ago.
So my mom is a caregiver (I mean, it's either jobs that require care towards fragile people or prostitution for us immigrant women from the East, right?/jk); the other day, she vented out for reasons on a private rant group on FB* (more on that later).
She was upset because, as a caregiver, you don't really have much of a say when dealing with suffering elders. These days the temperatures are crazy. The weather is mostly cold and humid, while in the house where she works is extremely hot and arid, slightly above 40 °C because the old lady there 'wants it so' and her family does what she says because they straigh-out don't want to deal a lot with her.
According to my mom (and other people and some doctors), no one should stay in artificially heated 40 °C rooms. Mostly, because of the absence of oxygen. Also, the question she posed was: 'AITA for not wanting to support every single request of a person with dementia? Also, I don't want to lose my health (from the thermal shock) after the health of someone who is already unhealthy'.
And these two dyckshiits started to harass her and the other commenters essentially because they are True Italian Workers (more on that & the 'sacrifice cult-minded people here' another time), blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda; the conversation ended with my mom resolving the issue at her job by talking to her boss (something most Italians won't do: talk about their problems to find solutions) and those two still insulting people and her 'inability to work in silence'. Turns out they are married, so two idiot pods in an idiot peepee, they literally found each other, blahblahblah. They accused my mother of fraud, of working off the books for no reason, and other law suitable things (in Italy it's common to menace with lawsuits and the crime of slander is highly punishable; it's just another Italian experience).
At the end, the 'lady' of the duo, who told us that she has some health issues too (so in her mind she has all the rights to be an asshole), typed something along the lines of: 'You're just jealous because I earn a lot of money and you don't. I have a job that allows me to scratch my privates from morning to night. What do you want me to do, to starve like you?
You know, not everyone clean asses for a living'.
So I suggested to her to clean this big dyck and take all her money to the graveyard. Yes, I know, how unoriginal and petty for a person who could be just trolling but these things happen a lot here from schooldays onwards, and they make me see red (a communis- NOPE). I couldn't digress really and I couldn't be more graphic than this since I don't have the money to undergo a cyberbullying lawsuit right now.
Let's talk about that group.
So along with my recent interests, there are Italian FB groups. I think I entered in almost every useful, useless, and stupid big group on FB Italy. From the 'vent about your problems freely' to the 'group where we all pretend to live in only one huge flat complex', to the 'group where we pretend to be elders that don't understand shit'.
I have some difficulty with the last one because I don't really know how to pretend to be an elder since I think like an elder, therefore I am an elder. A grumpy already retired I'll-spit-on-your-youthfulness-and-probably-pierce-your-ball-before-give-it-back-to-you type of elder. Too bad I'll never be able to become one in the future because baby boomers AND POLITICIANS here ate all the retirement contributions back in the day, so the few workers that still didn't escape are now paying the contribution to this last generation of retired people while other unretired but old people steal jobs by selling themselves short (and for a lot of free overtime) in the markets. Well, that's another story for another post.
My favorite group at the moment is the 'vent group' mostly because is full of young people who advise 'therapy' for every problematic-but-also-not-always-that-problematic situations from real mental struggles to the choice of the curtains ('YOU SHOULD GO TO THERAPY. NOW.', it's really the standard answer).
But that group is also the home of my favorite category of people on the internet: the South Italian grandmothers who see CHEATERS in every other story about problematic couple relationships! I tend to go for it as well and, guys. You can't imagine how receiving a like from these grandmothers makes me feel. It's a boost of pride that warms my heart and reverses in my brain to fuel my superiority complex.
*proceeds to explain all her baseless deductions in a long comment that only Annamaria will read*
And nothing, that's all for today. I just woke up after an alienating day at work: I spaced a lot more than the usual (so if someone of you has a passenger seat which doesn't slide well it's probably my fault, I guess?), but I'll talk about that another time because I actually still feel tired.
Btw, it's now 23:32, why am I so slow-
I'll write & answer to some of you soon, people.
Smell ya later,
- Toya
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