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Category: Life

Random deep thoughts #1 - Can we call something objectively good or bad?

I've been wondering...

Can we call something objectively good or bad? Is that even possible?

People have many different opinions on things and there'll be always someone that will think differently. Even in art and animation community, many people easily label something as 'objectively bad', but is it the truth? No matter how many people think that a certain show is bad there mostly is someone that thinks a bit more or less differently than most. Same goes with the objectively good, of course.

Even basing of a term "objectively" (objectively - in a way that is based on facts and not influenced by personal beliefs or feelings), it seems impossible. Especially in music, animation or writing in general. 

Yes, there are professionals reviewers of such things, but all of the stuff that they're giving proper rating for (f.e. good/bad plot, good/bad word usage...) are terms that are already very dependent on feelings and opinion, those influenced by such career itself and those personal ones.

And it can be applied in a similiar way for many other things, f.e. behavior. Because now even that can be argued if generally accepted behavior is objectively good, because that can be connected to feelings and if that's the case that it's hard to say if it's 'objectively' good.

+ In modern times, people are starting to criticize on Savoir-vivre which was supposed to be this kind of 'objectively' good way to act.

Okay, I'm tired of this useless ranting. What I wrote is probably idiotic, but that was just my weird shower thought.

Feel free to share your thought abt this, if you want.

5 Kudos


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MirMannor's profile picture

I feel the same way! I have a thought like that as well, "is anything we do truly selfless?" It's hard for me to put into words but, like when someone gives their ice-cream to a person that couldn't get any, we do it because it makes us feel better about ourselves. When people give things or compromise, they just do it to make themselves feel like they're a good person. Whenever you do anything, you always get something out of it.

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Yeah, that's actually a really tough question of yours. I mean, it's simple to answer, because some thing that we do are selfless and some things are neutral or something else. But that selflessness, at least in my case, comes with one thing... ego boost. Because as you said, it makes you feel better, but constantly making those 'selfless' decisions can affect someone negatively or possitively, it really depends. I don't know a thing about psychology, but imo it kinda can make a person:

Positive way:

- Can make this 'selfless' person actually great, who just likes feeling good about helping others without ego-trippin' over others. Just helping others makes them satisfied with themself.

Negative way:

- Can make a person to have a big ego about helping others, and that can result in actually being more selfish than selfless, and that 'selflessness' can be used by this person as a manipulation tactique against someone, f.e. a partner. Because they can just say "I helped you so much, I supported you, do you remember how much I helped you with everything? And this is how you reward me!?" which is really shady and scumy tactique, because technically the person is right about helping the other person, so it's easy to emotionally manipulate someone that way.

Things like selflessness, supportiveness, kindness...
Are generally pretty complicated topics in that case, because they all make both people feel better in most of the cases. But some just use it as manipulation or business tactique which is REALLY shady and sometimes insanely scumy.

by Tellow; ; Report