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Category: Blogging

Entry 3

So on my last entry, I received a comment. Idk if theyd want me to tag them or not so I'ma just not do it haha. 

But they asked 

"How did you move out before graduating school?" 

And here was my response: "I was homeschooled so in terms of graduating it was entirely up to me...I could've graduated a year ago but I decided I wasn't ready. Some parents do a great job homeschooling their kids, mine didn't really know what they were doing and never really figured it out. So I didn't get a good education. And they blamed me for that. So I moved in with a friend as soon as I turned 18 and now I'm taking math lessons and whatever else I need. I didn't really need to say all of this haha, #oversharing. But idk, I felt the need to say it because I know a lot of people my age or in highschool, struggle with feeling like they aren't succeeding at the rate they should be. And I just want to emphasize that everyone moves at their own pace I guess." 

And, I'd like to talk more about my response. I'm 18 years old, I'm engaged and currently I do not have a GED or driver's license. Which that looks troubling for some people. And I totally get that. But in my opinion, progress and success look different for a lot of people. You see when you're in highschool, you're successful if you graduate, get your license, and go to college. But a lot of people, including myself, struggle with those achievements and it makes us feel like we're failing in life. I'm here to tell you, you aren't! Success is very very different for everybody! As long as you're trying your hardest to achieve your goals, then it doesn't matter how long it takes for you to get to them. 

Some people move faster than others and there isn't anything wrong with that. Take your time, try your best, and you'll get results. But! The results aren't always what you expect them to be. Sometimes results don't look like results at just have to trust the process, and believe that you're doing everything you can. And if doing everything you can looks like just getting out of bed in the morning and making yourself breakfast, then that's success! You're doing great! 

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