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Category: Games

Tried the old Armored Core games!

So we tried out AC1, 2, and 3 just now and they're really interesting games! The control scheme is like, purposely awful feeling and the starting mecha is just terrible to control in a way that makes the game really really difficult to get used to, and then all three games just throw you in with no tutorial!
It's not as terrible as it sounds, we honestly really like it and the clunky feeling it gives! Mastery of the controls feels not only obtainable but incredibly satisfying! The game also expects you to fail and lose a lot! There is no outright failure state even if you get into absurd amounts of debt because you then get permanent upgrades to make the game more playable! It's really neat!

We're not sure if we want to go through them in order (1>2>3) or if we should just do 3 first since it's the easiest, then 1, then 2 (in order of difficulty ^^).

Let us know if you've played them and if you have any advice!

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paragon's profile picture

Did you do the reverse grip controls

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we haven't tried it yet, but we're also not sure they feel particularly helpful? reversing left and right seems like a bad idea when it's already hard to follow which buttons are where as is!
apparently it's kind of seen as more of a meme anyway, taking the piss out of the hard to use control scheme

by Athayuna; ; Report