Yeah basically the title. I’m real bored. School is unfortunate and, can you guess, boring. Anyway, here’s my incoherent train of thought :7
I’ve been thinking about stardust a lot recently. Cause yesterday I was feeling down and I was like ‘Gee it’d sure be nice to stardust again’ and I’ve just been kinda thinking about that for a while.
I’m not really sure what to blog about in here. Just things I think of or like actual things. Idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
TikTok and YouTube shorts are pretty much identical. Yeah I said it 😤 It’s 90% duets of someone talking and someone doing something “satisfying”. I mean, im not complaining, that’ll keep me entertained for hours, but it’s kinda silly that they’re pretty much the exact same yet treated so different.
Analogous is a word I just learned. It means the same but different at once. I like it. Now you know it too :>
Did anyone else watch the creepy pasta cafe on YouTube as a kid??
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