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Category: Books and Stories

1984 ..・ヾ(。><)シ

Right now, in English, we've been reading a few novels for an upcoming essay (this Friday (″ロ゛)) and I chose to read 1984... I only have like 1 day until the essay and I'm so nervous because I haven't even finished the book ・゚・(。>ω<。)・゚・

Anyways, I really enjoy the book so far... if you don't know, 1984 is basically about London if the USSR took control of Europe. In this world the government controls everything and everyone (and if you don't you get "vaporized" (⌒▽⌒)☆).You follow the protagonist, Winston, as he takes progressively bigger steps against this really strict and harsh government. 

A lot of people who had been reading this have said that this book is pretty boring...(; ̄Д ̄) WHich like,,, HOW?? I do how they can find the long monologues that Winston gets into really boring, but the whole book?? ヽ(°〇°)ノ I mean, even the monologues are there for you to get a feel for the rules of the whole world without conversations.  

Conversations really is a key part of the author's story telling too because he doesn't really have many characters communicating with each other. This is mainly because if you keep to yourself, you're conspiring against big brother (the governments head figure); if you hang out with people, you're conspiring against big brother (not cool.( ̄へ ̄)). But he really does a cool job with this in the chapter where there actually is a full conversation. 

I think it's with the character Syme where they're actually talking about the new language they're making for the Party (the government). He says that the language is one of the only languages actually removing words from their language because they're redundant or they could be used to conspire. It's really funny that throughout this whole conversation, Winston is thinking about that he won't last for long because Syme is too conscious to not get vaporized. 。゚( ゚^∀^゚)゚。 

Not gonna lie, that part of the book is pretty terrifying.... imagine feeling like you're getting oppressed and not being able to verbally express that anything is wrong... so scary ..・ヾ(。><)シ

I already know the ending, but I do really need to read the 3rd part of the book to really understand the meaning of the book and how the author does this because that's what the essay is about („ಡωಡ„)

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