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Category: SpaceHey

before u interact

i will not accept friend requests from anyone who has racist, misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, imperialist, ableist, and classist ideals or supports others who do.

i will not accept friend requests from people who mainly consume homestuck or attack on titan because of the aforementioned ideas expressed in them. harry potter fans get blocked.

before i participate in fandom, i look at the shows i watch and the books i read through a critical lens and i'm not afraid to acknowledge the issues in what i like. i think people should respect others' triggers and whatnot. i'm trying to be more lenient with other people in fandom since a lot of what i read contains heavy topics, but i wanna hold my friends to the same standard i hold myself to, which is to hold authors and fandom participants accountable for hateful conduct.

i don't support ship content of pedophilic, incestuous, or abusive pairings and i don't want to interact with people who do. there is a difference between portrayal and endorsement, and putting these things in 'shippy' context reads as endorsement.

i'm staunchly left-wing and i hold abolitionist views about gender categorization, the prison system, imperial nation-states, and regional borders. i'll make blog posts with resources to learn about the world's current events, especially if they concern human and environmental rights!

i am autistic among other things and that may influence the way i talk and interact with people. i don't need or use tone tags, but i will ask for clarification on some things and am okay being asked to clarify my own words!

3 Kudos


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