What i am.

Just so it's clear and people know what their getting.

HARD Atheist. Gods arent real, magic isnt real, ghosts arent real, psychic powers arent real, astrology is nonsense dogshit, the whole entire metaphysical spectrum, all of that. Pure horseshit to me.
Pro choice.
Pro all the individual identity groups that don't impede upon the liberties of others. (gay, trans, etc)
I lean very harshly Libertarian politically. ( i quite literally refer to myself as a city-state minarchist, to be exact)
So i am very much not "red".
And everything in my philosophy is very individualistically based. Holism in the context of the human species disgusts me.
There you go.

(if you arent these things, i wont hate you and i will still be your friend, of course. )

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