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Category: Life

My Day 10-17-23

TW: Minor Injury (just to be safe)

    Today was better than Saturday but I still felt more anxious than usual. I kept being worried that I would mess up and a customer would yell at me. Also the customer that was so mad at us for some reason filed a complaint to our bosses and supposedly said she has a video of how "terrible" we were. I can't imagine she'll get far with a video of me and my coworker being frightened of her and just trying our best to make her happy. Even knowing that, though, I am worried about getting a complaint. I don't want to be fired or anything. Especially bc I haven't found my locker key yet so if I got fired I couldn't give them back their key! I'm still looking though. It might be in my car or somewhere in the laundry. 

    As far as work goes, things were pretty chill today (if only I wasn't so anxious the whole time). We got to test and price some items which was fun. We also are in the process of replacing the old tags with new scanable price tags so we got to retag a bunch of stuff. We focused on the paintings today and I got my cuticle torn up on a picture frame. It bled a bit and it still hurts. I just remembered as I'm writing this that I wrote down a lady's name to be put on the list for when a display painting goes on sale and I forgot to give that name to my boss to actually put her on the list. Oh well at least I wrote it down so I won't have to remember it... granted no one throws the scrap of paper away while I'm gone tomorrow. Speaking of which I'm off tomorrow. Yay! I have class so I'll be doing that. I actually still might stop by the store though bc my grandparents left me some stuff I need to donate. Knowing me it will take me forever to actually do that. 

     I got Taco Bell for supper and the strawberry cream freeze is soooo gooooood. I might get Taco Bell again this week just for that freeze. Then I stopped by Walmart and went to my psychiatrist appointment. Since then I've been working on my neocities. I'm trying to add another side bar to the other side of the iframe but it's not working well bc I can't seem to get both the iframe and the side bar to work correctly at the same time. It's like you have to sacrifice one or the other. I might fix it or I might abandon this specific idea. Only time will tell!

What I'm Jamming To:

This song is a goldmine of great lyrics. I'm glad this song wasn't around when I was in my highschool breakup bc I would relate a little too much.

2 Kudos


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