The blade came down, slicing off about 3 quarters of the masks nose. The face below was burnt, and decaying the smell that permeated from the freshly made hole in the mask made David gag in the back of his throat as he backed away. Elizabeth screaming in terror as the mask begin to bleed was the best way she could could describe it later to the local cops. The blood wasn’t the crimson blood that would normally gush out of wound but something more visceral, blacked by the years of torment endured hidden behind the mask. It flowed down out of the slice in a torrent onto the ground as the monster screamed. The weapon in the hands of this inhuman entity lunged forward striking David in the chest cleanly slicing him horizontally. Elizabeth screamed as her boyfriend collapsed in front of her. The figure ignoring her, leaned over the lifeless body of her victim, wrenching the knife from the dead man’s hand. The creature that may have once been human begun craving pieces of the body up. The liquid dripping everywhere. The creature begun to take the skin and the liquid as if it were paper mache forming it in a beak placing it on the part of the mask that had been destroyed. The howl of the wind was replaced by a raspy howl as the figure rose up. The girl was gone.
The body now lay abandoned, mixed with the blood from itself and the dark liquid from the monster that had now walked off into the night. The blood soaked the ground, turning the fresh green grass to a dark red. The dark liquid begun to sink into the body as if it was drawn inside it. The blood begun to turn darker and darker until it matched the midnight sky above it with the stars reflected in the ooze.
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