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Category: Life

the inherent silliness and "saviourship" of the psichedelic movement has t stop.

This is a rant, i will not give any sources or anything alike this is just wat i have in my head and i think it should be known.

There are some people, in both industry (im talkin to u rick doblin!) and twitter, thatargue that the psichedelic/psiconaut movement should ignore/self-censor the risks and complications of psichedelics to protect the """revolution""".this also happens in a more subtle way with everyone saying that psichedelics are the SAFEST drugs out there.

All of this is bullshit. Dont get me wrong, im the most anti-prohibition (of any drug) person i know irl and ANY risks psichs possess only get worse under prohibition, but straight up lying is dangerous and, in the long run, DAMAGING to the anti-prohibition movement. Lying indiscriminatley is what finnaly backfired in the prohibition stablishment.

psichedelics might be one of the most dangerous drugs that exist, just having any detectable amount of them linked to you puts you in risk at all times because all of them are schedule I drugs and possesion can turn into a felony. being convicted on "drug" (idont like the use of that word because it can mean everything but nothing in particular and prevents scientific talkabout substances) charges can make getting a job, education or a place to live nearly imposible. What also makes getting a job, edu and a home is having PTSD from a bad experience with drugs. Psichedelis are NOT for everyone.

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