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Category: Pets and Animals

Bugs [ again ]

Why do people hate bugs so much? People will say shit like "they're disgusting" "evil" "should be killed" but what have bugs ever done wrong? I mean they're just existing in their own way afterall not every organism has the same standards or ideas of what's bad and good. To the silly bugs minding their own business WE'RE the scary ones who hurt and murder them, if bugs were more like puppies or kitten's visually people would never say that they deserve death for being the way that they are?

I've always thought of bugs and autistic people as being similar. Bugs have many negative stigmas around them and are often viewed as strange or something that is a negative thing. Bugs are often very sensitive to touch, vibrations, and sounds. They observe and process information very differently, hopefully whoever reads this gets my point. 

The amazing work that bugs do is also so overlooked! What creatures are pollinating are plants? It certainly isn't lions or dogs, and it's not just bees! I mean for some reason lots of people think that wasps are pollinators??? They're very important pollinators, flies moths, and beetles too! Without bugs the ecosystem would collapse, bugs are not just pollinators but a major food source for so many animals! And yet when was the last time you saw a bug on one of those food webs? Bugs are simply fascinating creatures that deserve our respect and care even if they're unable to process it.

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Johaan's profile picture

Bedbug attacks are like a never-ending game of hide and seek.

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Bedbugs can obviously be annoying but they’re still living creatures that deserve respect, they’re also pretty cute. However if you have a bedbug problem this video has some great advice for getting rid of em towards the end as well as some nifty info overall.

by rex; ; Report


angel's profile picture

i love bugs sm I EVEN LOVE FLYS

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