A whole lot of this is happening recently with my friends. So apparently my friend was making fun of one of their Male friends(let's call him Jared) Roblox avatar. All she said was "What is that 💀😹 😹😹" "Wait 🤔 I'm goated☝️🤓" as a joke but he ended up unfriending her(let's call her K) and my other woman friends and unfollowed her on insta. We talked about it and were saying how weird it was and how he's acting petty cause apparently he had a couple's avatar. But we didn't get why he was so mad about that. we let it go until recently when my friend messaged me(let's call her Sarah). So Sarah messaged for Help because Jared was acting weird towards her. She sent me screenshots. The conversation was bizarre and was not the way Jared types so we thought maybe it was his boyfriend(Let's call him Caz) which was confirmed because he started to say it was him. I sent these screenshots to K and C my other friend and we were dying of laughter. If I showed you the messages you would laugh too bro. So eventually we told our other friends and we kept on laughing. Then my friend N told me that she and friend R confronted him and all he did was laugh and said I didn't know I friended you. So Jared was acting like nothing was happening. He's not a confrontational person, he's very timid. Sarah,K,C,N,R and I came up with a theory that he's being manipulated by Caz because why is he acting so mad about this all of a sudden. We always made fun of him and he even laughed. If didn't like the jokes he could have told us to stop but he never did. But now that he has a boyfriend all of a sudden he's mad that we make fun of him. By making fun we just make fun of his Roblox avatar and interests like his favorite video game.
Me and my friend love to quote the messages Caz sent to Sarah and laugh about it every day. I'm pretty sure he can hear us but I don't care because it's funny as fudge.
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