So over all of it

I'm so ready for school to end, but I'm also not. I feel like my grades have slipped, and I haven't been going to school a lot. I could be overthinking it all, but, like, idk. Next year, I'm definitely going to work harder since its my last year there, so idk. the classes are getting kinda boring tho, planning for exams and stuff but i know im going to get low grades on all but like 2.

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ner0's profile picture

you okay? :"(

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yeah, thank you for asking if i was okay. school just gets tough sometimes

by eden; ; Report

I feel it man you just gotta try n find something that relaxes you whether it's meditation or goin on a walk etc jus try n find things to keep it coo fr

by ner0; ; Report

yeah not a lot of my irl friends understand bc they don't really go to school. i usually read books i enjoy or go for walks or sometimes listen to music, i find myself listening to certain songs at school just to make the pass

by eden; ; Report