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Category: Life

Some of the Basic's Part Two - Broom Closet Witches - Witch

Hello you beautiful souls. 
This will be a small blog, it's just a few recommendations for some broom closet witches.
A broom closet witch is a witch who has to hide their witchcraft so they avoid confrontation. Whether this is confrontation from parents, friends, family members, or even society as a whole. We know in this crazy world, many people cannot accept some humans for who they are, so we hide parts of ourselves in order to stay safe. This is very unfortunate but is sometimes needed to ensure we make it home safe at night. 
I just have a few small things that may help some witches continue to practice without it being obvious. 

Remember, your witchy tools do not make you a witch, the magick within you does. You do not need a hoard of crystals, a box of candles or an entire apothecary of herbs to do magick. Without YOU, there is no magick. 

For starters, candles. A lot of spellwork you see online or in youtube videos has huge, giant, candles that could burn for hours. You do not need a candle that's gonna burn for a month. 
Think about birthday candles, they are small, can be well hidden and if anyone questions you about them, you can make up the excuse you had them lying around from a friends birthday cake. No one is going to think twice about a few random birthday candles in your bag or drawer. Each candle color will have a different property that it will represent, but white is always a substitute for any other candle. So if you are unsure of what color you need, stick with white, then tell it what you need it do represent.

Herbs! Like stated above, may youtube videos show spellwork using huge candles, along with this huge line of intimidating herbs, some you may have never heard of. You do not need a pantry full of herbs to do all the spells. Stick to a few simple ones that you may already have, or can find off a grocery shelf, for example - I use rosemary for almost all of my spells, lavender is used commonly as well, rose petals, salts, pepper, anything you can find in your herb cabinet. You do not have to have herbs in order to produce magick, visualizing your intent is enough.
You can also use herbs in teas, chamomile tea will give you the same things as putting chamomile on a candle, I use tea quite often in my spellwork and lavender tea is very common and very well used in my practice. If you cannot get ahold of loose lavender or chamomile, go take a stroll down the tea aisle, if questioned, you can say you're trying new teas to help you sleep at night. 

Crystals! Seems like every witch has crystals. Where did they get them all? Some get them from crystal shops, however, many baby witches may not have access to crystal shops or metaphysical stores. If you live in North America, I'm sure you've heard of Earthbound, I have bought many of my crystals from there, this is a great place to start, because you can just say you found it pretty, or it looks nice on your shelf. No one will think twice if you take a trip to the mall with your friends and you happen to stumble across an amethyst crystal while you were there. If you do not have room for an entire collection, stick to the basics, clear quartz, amethyst, citrine, green aventurine, and maybe a rose quartz. These are very common and can be found in any "new age" store. You can even pick up a rock you found on the ground and bond with it. It doesn't have to be pretty, shiny or expensive to give you the properties you need. 
One of my children found a black basic rock outside but he keeps it on him all the time, he says it gives him protection, who am I to tell him it doesn't. He ultimately gets to decide what he needs from his rocks/crystals. 

In another blog I will give the properties to the simple things you can keep that won't bring much attention. This is just a start to inspire inspiration to baby witches. If you need more guidance please let me know, I am here to help and support where needed. 

As above, so below


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Thank you for this!

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