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Category: Blogging


link to my pronouns page- en.pronouns.page/@mMAxXX 

pls interact! -

★ if we have the same interests/hyperfixations :D

★ homestucks (pls talk 2 me abt homestuck yumyum)

★ ppl who like talking abt their interest i love reading talk 2 mee

★  artists!!!! (i love looking at other ppls art)

★ basically if ur cool and don't fall under my dni list



★i have adhd+bpd, so i might forget 2 respond 2 u dw im not doing it intentionally i just forget, and the bpd thing i may apologize obsessively if i do something wrong or think i did  something wrong sorry

★ if u are on my dni and i friend u just ignore my add pls :3

★ dont flirt w me, i have a amazing bf and love him with every cell in my body

★ im petre/agere so be nice :3 


 FRIEND COLLECTORS (i wanna find friends on here that will actually talk to me)

  People who makes kys jokes unironically

 ★rcta ppl 

 ★ppl who fake mental illnesses/disabilitys  

 mean people  


 ★dsmp fans (only if you support the problematic creators)

 ★ dni home of phobics   ★ dni racists
 ★ dni ableists
 ★ dni xenophobes
 ★ any other basic dni shit
 ★ dni pedos/MAPs
 ★ dni zoophiles/beastiality ppl
 ★ dni necrophiliacs
 ★ dni proshipers
 ★ trans/lgbt fetishizers get away
 ★ [insert problematic celeb] defenders 
 ★ if you attack people for their hyperfixations go away meanie

 ★ anyone who doesnt support xenogenders/neopronouns/etc. or complains about them at all leave!!!!
 ★ if u bully furries/therians/basically any group of ppl that arent generally harming anyone w their harmless activities 

thx for reading so heres a cool bug for u :D

6 Kudos


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