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Category: Blogging

Illness and Schedules

=x-x= ( Hi guys! Kind of a ramble blog today...

I recently was hospitalized for my mental health! Oh noooooooo. Anyways, it made me realize that having a consistent and very active schedule is important. In the hospital, everyone did the same things at the same time every single day. It was busy, too, always either school, therapy, or recess. 

While I was in there, I actually wrote down the schedule in my hospital-appointed notebook, and started to devise a little plan of my own. I knew that the schedule was what helped me, but not just that!! It was doing it with other people that really kept me from hating it. I've always had a hard time sticking to something consistent for longer than a week, probably a part of the ADHD or something. Besides the point, I knew doing things with other people helped me. So- I came up with something. A little idea of a schedule, and the hopes I could get my mom in on it, too!

Of course, she has her own things to do, so I couldn't make her do the entire thing with me. But, I did get here to do those key moments with me. Here it is!

7:30AM - Get up and get breakfast (with mom!! Or another person of your choice... That's the important part.)

8:30 - Do hygiene! If you shower during the morning, this is when you would do it. Brush teeth, wash face, change clothes... ect. 

9:00 - Start school! I guess you'd have to change this if you go to a real school, instead of an online one.

Side note- Another thing that's helped me a lot has been doing "sprints". It's when you work for 20 minutes, then take a 10 minute break until you're done! Usually, I spend 20 mins on one class, 10 minute break, then move onto the next class.

10:30 - Long break! It was intended to be a naptime, but since I've been sleeping better, it's devolved into a while to chill out and refresh my brain so I don't burn out. Really nice!!

12:00 - Lunch with mom! Not much to explain here. It's lunch. It's awesome. What else do you want from me?

12:30 - School again!

1:50 - Tidy my room! It's easier to keep a clean space if you work a little every day.

1:20 - Another break before me and my mom spend time together at 2:30 for an hour. That part's optional!

7:30 - This is when I like to shower. Not too soon before bed, but good enough.

8:00 - I get out of the shower, and do my other hygiene things- Like skin care, and cozying up my bed for the night.

9:00 bedtime! Though, lately I've been going to sleep earlier than that. 

I hope this helps or interests someone! It sounds easier than it feels, and it's not a fix-all, but it's still been much nicer than rotting in my bed for most of the day. )

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