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Category: Quiz/Survey

Spooky surveys/ Original by Glam Cat

Spooky Questions (Made by GlamCat)

1. Would you sleep in a coffin?

Yes probably, I mean as long as I had blankets 

2. If you had to sell a haunted house, what would you tell potential buyers about it?

I feel like I would advertise it as it is since a whole lot of people like that spooky shit now of days including me

3. How would you survive as a character in a scary movie?

Just do engage in whatever stupid shit everyone else is doing and if I was forced to be involved make sure to stick together

4. What’s a good name for a pet spider?


5. What would you do if you saw a ghost of yourself?

freak out most likely, I mean it depends on what kind of ghost it is like if its a non-scary ghost or a ghost that has a more human looking form I most likely would not be too scared

6. What is your favorite Scooby Doo episode or movie?

I was never into Scooby Doo as a kid so I can answer 

7. Do you ever walk around alone at night?

I live in a very safe area so I have a few times but it's not like I go out of my way too

8. If you could gain a sixth sense, what would it be?

If this counts I REALLY want to read minds

9. What would you cook in your witch’s cauldron?

am not sure :/// 

10. If you had a magic wand, would you use it for good or evil?

A little bit of both

11. What movie really creeped you out?

the Shining the first time I watched it since I saw it in theaters on a limited release of sorts

12. Do you like mystery/thriller or gory/slasher movies better?

I like slasher movies for like a fun movie night but if were talking over all I like more serious abstract horror movies

13. What is the worst Halloween candy?

Candy Corn 100%

14. If you had to create a costume right now from things you already own, what would you be?

A Ghost it would be easy

15. How do you usually decorate for Halloween?

cobwebs and cheap props I never really had money for the big blow-up decor

16. If candy was banned, what would you give to trick-or-treaters instead?

small grab bags with different collectibles

17. If you were a ghost, who would you haunt?

my friends most likely It would probably be funny

18. If you could be friends with a Halloween monster, which one would you choose?

Vampires, I think there cool

19. What is your favorite spooky book or ghost story?

thinking of ending things but JUST the book I hate the movie

20. Would you rather be stalked by Michael Myers or Jason Voorhees?  

Jason Voorhees hes hotter ngl

What Should You Be For Halloween? (Made by GlamCat)


(yes) You like the color green.

(yes) You’re creative. 

(yes) You have big dreams.

(yes) You feel misunderstood. 

(no) You like to stargaze. 

(no) You’ve seen a UFO. 

(no) Space travel interests you. 

Total: 4/7


(yes) You have/want blonde hair.

(no) You wear neon colors.

(yes) You like Aqua’s song “Barbie Girl.” 

(yes) The beach is your favorite place. 

(no) You drive a Jeep.  

(yes) You love to go shopping.

(no) You’ve designed your dream house.

Total: 4/7


(no) You believe in an afterlife.

(yes) You own white sheets.

(yes) You’re very quiet. 

(yes) You like scaring others.

(no) People can see into your soul.

(no) You love cold temperatures.

(no) You ignore people sometimes. 

Total: 3/7


(yes) You like the ocean. 

(yes) Blue is your favorite color.

(no) Your name starts with R. 

(yes) You'd steal to get rich. 

(no) You still use maps. 

(no) You like to drink alcohol. 

(no) You have a pet bird. 

Total: 3/7


(yes) You stay up all night.

(no) Red is your favorite color.

(yes) You want a pet bat.

(no) You hate garlic.

(no) You avoid the sun. 

(no) You often wear fancy clothes. 

(yes) You never look in a mirror. 

Total: 3/7


(no) You know the Thriller dance.

(no) You live near a cemetery.

(no) You never show emotions. 

(yes) You’re always hungry. 

(yes) You’re not a morning person. 

(yes) You’ve seen The Walking Dead.

(no) People say you smell funny. 

Total: 3/7

0 Kudos


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