Living in a new area

For those who have been following me for awhile, It was common knowledge that I lived in FL, and I had grown up there. However, I have made the choice at 18 to move 1,000 miles away to a completely different area than I had known and it helped me as a person along with my relationship. 

Currently I live in Indiana, which seems pretty boring except I live in a pretty busy city area near a college campus, so there's variety for activites and shops. Being so far away from my old town, I've been able to break free from a very overbearing family situation, although not to the fullest extent I wanted it's nice nonetheless. Being with my partner has also made things easier, having him there to help me break out of my shell and enjoy myself again.

There were some downfalls that I definitely didn't account for, like how impossbly hard it took to find employment. Finances were so tight at times it put a strain on my mental health, however it also tested me. Am I really ready for the responsibilites and stress life could throw at me? That question haunts me every day. Not to mention the difficulty to make friends or find people in the same scene at me? ones with similar interests or hobbies seem few and far between and my social anxiety can get the best of me too.. however I still want to try my best and push forward, because this is my life to enjoy and I want to make the most of it. 

XOXO Trin 

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