Things people on Spacehey NEED to accept.


Yes, some of them may be funny like those EVIL___ accounts and some aren't. But you have to know that if you make spam accounts gore / nsfw accounts will come back. This goes along with the safety accounts.ย Now safety accounts are whatever they're not bad but people who make gore accounts can use safety accounts to their advantage. For example, a safety account that looks all so innocent has a link in their profile, YOU just so happen to click it and it leads to gore or porn or even both. But please DO NOT MAKE SPAM ACCOUNTS!

The Mods.

The mods have a busy life outside of Spacehey. They could have real life jobs or even kids to take care of. They can't be on Spacehey 24/7 so PLEASE don't complain about the Mods not being online all day. Yes I think that Spacehey could use more mods but we can't control what An does with their website. PLEASE be patient for the mods to come online and don't go all like "Omg!! Hooterbby isn't online!! Time to complain about it!" DON'T. That's not going to do anything. You just need to be patient for them to do something.

Gore / Nsfw accounts.

These accounts suck I know, but you can't go around making safety accounts. Thats just going to make the people / person behind those accounts MAKE MORE. Here's another thing, DO NOT POST ABOUT THEM. That will just make people curious and they will go and click on them. Its best if you just don't say anything about them.

Blocking and Reporting.

People here love to report people because someone doesn't share the same opinions as them. DON'T DO THAT. That's so fucking stupid. It only makes the Mods who are trying to ban actual bad people either frustrated, or just annoyed. Only report people who are BAD. Now with BLOCKING . If you don't agree with someone BLOCK them. Do NOT report them. That's only going to do so little.


Why you get banned.

You can get banned for just simply not following spacehey's rules or tos. You can also get banned for you guessed it! SPAM ACCOUNTS. If you make spam accounts it can get traced back to your main and get YOU banned. You can also get banned for NSFW. (I am a heavy nsfw poster so my account is literally on the line) If you break a rule by accident I'm 99% sure you will be okay. You need to understand that you can't break the rules repeatedly and NOT get banned. That's just dumb if you think that. I am just going to say this; If you are stupid enough to break the same rule more than once and think you won't get banned, you are mistaken. Here is a link to the rules / tosย 



Why you should take time to follow this.

You would be such a help to mods, with less work. I think any mod will appreciate it. AND you will probably be liked for not being a dick. But the point i'm trying to make is, that you could be a better person for the mods by simply following these simple things. Complaining about the mods won't do anything. The most it will do is annoy everybody. Now please enjoy your day and thank you for reading this. This blog genuinelyย took so much time but it's worth it. Have a good day!ย 

75 Kudos


Displaying 4 of 4 comments ( View all | Add Comment )

nariโ˜† (FORMERLY RIN)

nariโ˜† (FORMERLY RIN)'s profile picture

so real

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star_girl445โ‹†๏ฝก°โœฉ๐Ÿ‡ต๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‰'s profile picture


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mari's profile picture

omg i made a blog jus like this lol

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anyway youโ€™re right so

by mari; ; Report

goyangbi โ˜†

goyangbi โ˜†'s profile picture

mkay!! got it, also uhh im a safety acc should i just stay on the downlow?

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no bc my acc could straight up be seen as regular if i took the safety out of my name-

by goyangbi โ˜†; ; Report

if u're a safety acc why u got a hate speech spam profile in ur friends list?

by S0up; ; Report

i only friended them to say something (since u cant talk to unfriended ppl)
honestly i didn't care that much abt them but i had to speak up

by goyangbi โ˜†; ; Report