Australia's profile picture

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Category: Life

stuff about me :)

1: name


2: height

182 cm

3: weight

68 kg

4: age

almost 17

5: birthday

feb 6

6: girl bff

dont have one

7: guy bff

seb and david, its a tie

8: crush

taken :)

9: everfall in love


10: fav food

chicken sandwich

11: last text

not your business bozos

12: longest relationship

4 years (ongoing)

13: battery percent


14: eye colour

hazel i think

15: addiction

dont have one

16: fav song

dissilusion in a discordant system, by acrania

17: fav animal

pallas cat

18: fav colour

dark purple

19: sing in shower

never have never will

20: one wish

to be able to make reality exactly what i want it to be

21: best time in your life


22: country of residence


23: pets

2 cats and a dog

24: plan on getting married


25: favourite subject


26: first kiss

like early year 8????

27: insecure

very, about some things

28: self harmed


29: who you love

my partner

30: miss anyone

my grandfather, my mate benĀ 

31: hair colour

light brown with a bit of orange

32: relationship status


33: last song heard

absolute territory, by ken ashcorp

34: biggest fear


35: believe in ghosts


36: something you hate

people who romanticice disabilities

37: fav movie

how to train your dragon 2

38: fav tv show

adventure time/game of thrones

39: fav book

4 legendary kingdoms, by matthew reilly

40: fav food

second time this is here

41 doesnt exist????

42: star sign


43: middle name


44: worst habit

biting nails

45: number of siblings

a younger brother and an older half brother on my fathers side

46: name of siblings

younger is jack, older is shaun jr

47: sports you play

soccer mainly, but also hockey footy and volleyball sometimes

48: talents

PE and biology stuff mainly, also rythym games

49: embarrasing moment

ripped ass infront of the entire 5/6 year level

50: future career choice

sports physiotherapist

0 Kudos


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