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The emergence of the Yugoslav state

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Declaration of Niš

Niš is the wartime capital of Serbia because Belgrade is located on the border with Austria-Hungary (Austria and Hungary). The Serbian government announced its war goals in a declaration that was adopted in Niš on December 7, 1914. and accepted by the National Assembly. In that document, it was written that the government of the Kingdom of Serbia considers that its priority and only current goal is to liberate and unite the Serbs. With this statement, Serbia emphasized that the war goal is not only Serbian, but also Yugoslav, so that the southern Slavs would also unite and be considered one nation with three names.

Yugoslav Board

Certain Croatian, Serbian and Slovenian politicians from Austria-Hungary emigrated abroad. They formed the Yugoslav Committee in Paris in April 1915. The board included representatives of: Dalmatia, Croatia, Slavonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Slovenia and Vojvodina. The President of the Yugoslav Committee was the Croat Ante Trumbić. The goal of the board was to spread Yugoslav propaganda and the idea of ​​uniting South Slavs in allied and neutral countries.

Declaration of Corfu

During the summer of 1917, representatives of the Yugoslav Committee and the government met in Corfu, the temporary seat of the Serbian government, to agree on the organization of the future common state. The negotiations were led by Nikola Pašić and Ante Trumbić. During the negotiations, important differences in the attitudes of Serbian and Croatian politicians were also shown, so the declaration does not answer the question of whether the future state will be centralized or federal. The Corfu Declaration represented a transitional solution in the positions of the Serbian government and the Yugoslav Committee regarding the organization of the future state.

The Corfu Declaration states:

● The country would be called the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.

● The country would be a constitutional, democratic and parliamentary monarchy, with the Karađorđević dynasty at the head.

● The state would include all territories inhabited by Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.

● Equality of peoples, religions and letters is foreseen.

● All citizens would be equal and would have general suffrage, which they would exercise by secret ballot.

● The constitution of the new state would be adopted by the constitutional assembly after the end of the war.

National Council

The National Council of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs represented the political representation of Slovenes, Croats and Serbs who lived in Austria-Hungary. It was created in October 1918 in Zagreb. Anton Korošec was elected president of the National Council. The aim of the council was to advocate for the unification of all Slovenes, Croats and Serbs into an independent democratic state. The difference between the People's Council and the Yugoslav Committee is in the goals, the Yugoslav Committee spreads Yugoslav propaganda and the idea of ​​uniting South Slavs in allied and neutral states, while the People's Council advocates for it.

Unification of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes

the place of the decision when it happened the place it was decided to be joined more about it
Ruma November in 1918. Srem
Novi Sad 25th November in 1918. Baranja, Backa and Banat
Podgorica 26th November in 1918. Montenegro The Great National Assembly
of the Serbian People in
Montenegro, overthrew a dynasty
Petrović Njegoš and passed
unanimously the decision on
the annexation
of Montenegro to Serbia under the Karađorđević dynasty.
Zagreb 28th November in 1918. Bosnia and Herzegovina BiH itself made the decision on accession to Serbia through the National Council.
Belgrade 1st December in 1918. The country of SHS (today's Croatia and Slovenia) Regent Aleksandar Karađorđević I, in the presence of the delegation of the People's Council from Zagreb, announced the creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.


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