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before i start this rant, i want to give special thanks to Amir Odom for giving me the idea to talk about this. i will be using some of his ideas for this.

The LGB is not the same as the TQ+. LGB is all about s3x and biology. The L is for lesbian, a girl that likes girls. The G is for gay, a guy that likes other guys. The B is for people who like both guys and girls. Lesbians liek the female parts, the gays like the male part, and the bi people like both parts. Plain and simple. But what about the trans women and trans men? Trans women don’t have the female private parts. (unless they have gotten surgery). Here’s the issue, if a lesbian doesn’t want to date this trans woman because she doesn’t have the female body parts, this lesbian is automatically labeled as a transphobe. BUT SHE ISNT! 

The TQ+ is all about gender and identity. People are always ranting about how people how they hate the LGBTQ+ and it’s always because of the TQ+ side. I have absolutely no issue with trans people, but the issue is when you have all of these crazy identities. We have people identifying as cats, dogs, wolves, etc.. . The word “transgender” has jsut become this huge umbrella term for all these obscure identities. Transgender is literally just TRANSitioning from one gender to another. At this point, you don’t even have to transition to be transgender, some man can just claim to be a woman with all these masculine features, and we have to just accept it, and let him use every women’s bathroom, dressing room, and locker rooms. What if this man isn’t actually transgender? What if he’s jsut using it as an excuse to assault and hurt women? Are we just gonna let it happen? All of this is just fucking crazy.. 

I have no issue with trans people. It’s just the trans people who take it to a whole other level. Thank you for reading.

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XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX's profile picture

First of all, being lesbian, gay, or bi doesn't have anything to do with "sex and biology." It has to do with what gender you're attracted to. As a lesbian, for example, I am attracted to women. My attraction to women includes trans women, because I am attracted to women, not their parts. Reducing lesbian and gay love down to what "parts" lesbian and gay people are attracted to is just insulting. We love people, not parts. Also, bisexual people like two genders, not necessarily just boys and girls. Bisexual people can like girls and gender fluid people, boys and nonbinary people, girls and agender people, and, yes, boys and girls.

Secondly, your second paragraph is so transphobic that it makes my head hurt. The TQ+ part of the LGBTQ+ acronym has to do with not only gender, but sexual and romantic attraction. For example, aromantic, asexual, pansexual, and polysexual people, to name a few, fall into the category of TQ+. Also, people are not identifying as cats, dogs, and wolves. People who identify with xenogenders feel as though their gender relates with a certain concept. For example, somebody who is catgender may feel as though their gender is related to cats; this does not mean that they identify as a cat. By the way, being trans is about so much more than just transitioning. This take is just ignorant.

Finally, why would some random man claim to be trans just to assault somebody? Being trans comes with a lot of baggage. It is not easy to be trans in today's world. If a predator wanted to come into a bathroom to assault some random woman, they probably wouldn't do so by pretending to be trans. They would probably just walk into the bathroom and do what they wanted to do. By the way, trans people get harassed and assaulted in bathrooms all the time. Where's your concern for them?

I would also like to mention that trans people don't have to transition to be trans. Some people can't afford to transition, and some just don't want to. Don't assume that all trans people are the same. That's just transphobic.

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i’m not transphobic? and what’s the point of being transgender if you’re not going to transition?

by BR00KEBR00T4L; ; Report

Being trans is not a choice. Also, what do you mean by "what's the point of being trans if you're not going to transition?" The trans umbrella includes nonbinary people and other types of trans people who aren't exactly binary or who may not deal with dysphoria on a daily basis. There is no "point" of being trans; being trans is who you are, not what you do. The trans experience is so much more complex than transitioning. For some, simply coming to terms with the fact that they are not cisgender is the entire "point" (if you want to frame it that way) of being trans. By the way, I didn't call you transphobic (although I do sense transphobia here). I called what you said transphobic. There's a difference.

by XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX; ; Report

I should also mention that there are trans people who feel comfortable presenting in a way that aligns with their birth gender because gender expression and gender identity are not the same thing.

by XxL1ZZ13LUN4CYxX; ; Report