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Category: Blogging

Straight guy saying f slur pt 1

Okay so.. i was playing roblox with this guy and he said the word faggot while we were in a discord vc, and i was like "umm.. are you gay?" cuz yk u gotta make sure lol. and he said "no im straight". Β then i was like "you cant say that" and he said " i can say whatever slur i want", i was like bitch wtf?? snd then i texted him abt it, ima just post our texts here cuz idk how to put photos. Erased is the straight guy btw


"U good?"


"no cause wtf."


"what I do?"


"u making me mad frl, wtf u mean that you can say any slur you want? ur not gay bro you cant say faggot if ur not gay. and im not sensitive a slur is a fucking slur."


"then why are you mad about me saying a slur when I'm not gay? That's being sensitive I'm sorry for speaking the truth andΒ people say faggot and they're not gay"


"that doesnt fucking mean you say it??????"


"I'm sorry for speaking the truth"


" Its not "truth" asshole, its call a slur for a fucking reason"


"wow I'm offended" he said that sarcastically

0 Kudos


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hxlloketty's profile picture

That's the literal definition of slur tho girl, its only used in a negative way
"to speak disparagingly of or cast aspersions on"

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Gray's profile picture

Ngl I don't understand the "you have to be so-and-so to use that slur" argument. It doesn't change the fact they're saying a slur right?

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Marshall's profile picture

Okay, this has to do with someone being homophobic

Do NOT put their color as that’s a racist thing to do

The guy did wrong yes, but still your in the wrong for putting white guy in the sentence

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It comes off as racist and it’s not okay.

by Marshall; ; Report

Eh who gives a shit , he aint actually white i just put that as a joke

by 𝑉𝑖𝑛𝑛𝑦; ; Report


by Marshall; ; Report

Next time, don’t put white people or I will go ham on you

Got it?

Cause, it ain’t okay to stereotype white ppl like that.
It’s wrong, racist and disrespectful

by Marshall; ; Report