Subbed Or Dubbed?

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If you have so much as glanced at an anime, chances are you have encountered  the question: "Subbed or Dubbed?" Avid anime fans have strong opinions about this. Subbed watchers will point to the more accurate translation. Dubbed watchers often have learning disabilities that make reading the text and actually watching the show difficult, maybe even impossible. The majority of "subbed only" watchers I have met are rather judgmental towards the other side. Not all of them of course, but enough to be obnoxious and make me dread the question. I'm sure there are judgmental "dubbed only" watchers out there too, but I have yet to meet any. Most of the people I know who prefer dubbed are either embarrassed about it, or defiantly open. 

I am extremely picky when it comes to anime. That being said, the shows I like, I REALLY like. So where do I fall on the subbed vs. dubbed debate? My first answer would be both. I'm too dyslexic to rely on subtitles alone. It's hard enough to read subtitles on a live action film, and anime tends to be faster paced. To keep up I would need to pause and read the subtitles each time they change. That's not an exaggeration. I've tried. 'Kumamiko' sounds like a show I would enjoy, but as far as I can tell there is no dubbed version yet. Even though I can't rely on subtitles, they help me when I mishear something. If what I heard sounds misplaced, or if it was just mush I can take a second to focus on the subtitles and they will fill in the gaps.

If I was forced to pick one, I would choose dubbed. I can mostly muddle through on audio. Even with my auditory processing disorder and a less accurate translation I am still getting more of the show than I would if it was subbed. I can't enjoy a show I can't follow, and I think letting someone enjoy a show is more important than them processing it the same way as me. I don't care if you watched my favorite show subbed or dubbed; I'm excited that we like the same show. I want to know who your favorite character is, and what you like about the story. Any other reaction is often ableist and definitely gatekeeping. Do you have a favorite show? What do you like about it? What helps you cross barriers to enjoy media?

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I am not dyslexic, and so I can read subtitles just fine, but I do have to take my attention off of the actual picture on the screen to read them. I've gotten good at doing that, but it does mean that I don't have a full concept of what's happening like I do when watching an english language show or movie. So I like watching with the original audio, but also I like to be able to just look at the art rather than having to read subtitles, which at times are actually really clunky and not necessarily a better translation.

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That's a great point! Translation itself is very complicated and even subtitles are not perfect.

by Goblin Teatime; ; Report