L0VE H0R0SC0PES 11/14


Aries, I see some major differences coming up between you and someone else since the 5 of wands is here first. The 7 of cups shows you may be overwhelmed about decisions to make with a lover. I feel like relocation is a theme that has you confused. The outcome is The Monarch (Hierophant) so do what you can to preserve this union!

Taurus, overall your energy is very happy or content with the 9 of cups showing up first. A King of Swords type energy is here so I see someone very cocky trying to convince you that you'd be better off with them than without them. The outcome is the 2 of wands so you're clearly undecided and not trying to merge plans with anyone right now.

Gemini, your energy is so romantic today with The Lovers popping up first! Maybe you're catching feelings for a friend and didn't see it coming. Page of Wands shows you wanting to ease into things and learn how to create more passion with this person. The outcome is the King of Cups so I definitely see someone being charmed or seduced soon!

Cancer, I still see conflict arising for you with The Demon (Devil) popping up first! It looks like you have some soul ties to someone who is weakening you spiritually. The Page of Wands shows you are hopeful about remedying things with them. The outcome is the 10 of Wands so it looks like someone is too overbearing and won't give you any room to get your own needs met.

Leo, you're coming up as the Strength card so I see you may be trying to mediate a tough situation. You want to reassure others about what value they bring to the table. The 8 of Swords shows you may be working with someone hardheaded who refuses to see how great they are. The outcome is the 4 of swords so I don't see you giving up but I see you needing a temporary break.

Virgo, you have the 10 of Pentacles and 10 of Cups here back to back! I feel like its a shock to you because it's showing that family bliss plus marital happiness is on the menu today! The outcome is the Debutante (Fool) so if you're not already married, I feel like wedding bells will be ringing very soon! Cherish whatever happy moments arise today.

Libra, you are still coming up as "the ideal lover" with the 2 of Cups popping up first! The 10 of Wands shows you are very invested in the long haul and ready to put in the work despite how difficult times become. The outcome is the 10 of Pentacles so I see a solid family unit forming here! Looks like you and a lover are overcoming debt too!

Scorpio, today you're showing up as the Knight of Swords so I see you're unafraid to state your case and defend it with your life! The ace of wands is showing something has been reignited in your love life. A lot of fast paced energy is coming up! The outcome is the 6 of Pentacles so I see you being kind and resourceful towards someone or they're returning favors to you!

Sagittarius, I feel like you are stressed out about someone or blind to some red flags with the 8 of swords showing up first. The 5 of swords is confirming that someone is being too harsh toward you but masking it as just teasing you or joking around. The outcome is the 3 of Wands so either you're continuing on with this person or gaining back your freedom and leaving them behind.

Capricorn, your energy today is The Present (Sun). I feel like you are very happy about whatever is happening in your love life and you don't feel a need to stress yourself out or overthink things! The ace of cups is confirming this. You radiate joy and love so you are attracting it right back to you. The outcome is the King of Pentacles so I see you being patient to get what you deserve.

Aquarius, someone new may have caught your attention with the 8 of wands showing up first. They are bringing solutions for long standing problems you've been having. The Page of Cups shows  adoration is blooming here! The outcome is The Trap (Hanged Man), so either things are significantly going to slow down or you'll be panicking trying to find ways to keep the vibe pleasant.

Pisces, you come off as very sympathetic and nurturing with the King of Cups showing up first. The 6 of Swords shows that travel may be significant for the next few days. This is helping you to overcome heartache or financial woes. The outcome is The Empress so I see you have stumbled upon some very abundant, prosperous energy and want to spread the wealth!

1 Kudos


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