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Category: Life

I am going 2 murder whoever created gym class

School starts up again after the shortest weekend evr :/

What sux abt school 4 me is the fact that i have gym at the start of the day... which SUXS !!! the gym teacher doesn't even like my class either - no1 WANTS 2 do gym but she just yells at us and calls our group playing pathetic:/ like mayb there's a reason 4 that??? bc its 8am and no1 wants 2 play the most obscure sports evr???? 

shes not all bad ig but I'm like the most unathletic person evr - ontop of my asthma 2 lolz + i do my hair everyday and its totally ruined by the end of class, bc of sweat, air and changing clothes:////

ughhhh just kill me nowwww

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