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Category: Life

My "type"

So for those of you who don't know (which is all of you) I have an on-and-off obsession with typology. It comes from my larger interest in categories. Now I know it's really no better than superstition, but I think it's fun anyway :3 and I'm definitely not above superstition. So anyway... Here's my types!

ENFP 7w6 so/? 

My big five are: Openness (94%), Agreeableness (71%), Neuroticism (63%), Conscientiousness (54%), Extraversion (40%).

I generally consider myself to be true neutral because I don't particularly want to break the law, but I don't see anything wrong with it. I also don't really subscribe to a lot of standard morality. So this is probably where I sit best. Otherwise, maybe neutral good? One of those two.

I'm a Cancer Sun, Virgo Moon, Libra Rising. I have a Virgo Venus, Leo Mars, and... that's all I remember off the top of my head here. I think I'm a Gemini Mercury or something. 

I will say, I think enneagram is the hardest type to figure out. Tests pretty much don't work. I also think a lot of people don't want to face what their actual type is, that's kinda how it goes. I was aware of the system for years before looking much into it, mostly because it made me really vindictive every time I started to look into it. Then it took me about a full year of research and thinking to realize I was a type 7. 

Also, one of the things about typology that reaaallly pisses me off is how employers have started to use it to look for candidates. Have any of you experienced this? I've genuinely had employers (and school counselors) ask me to take a MBTI test to see what type of job I'd be good for. Don't do that. Don't make me do that. I'll kill you. That's fucked up. And then they ALWAYS misinterpret the meaning of the type. They'll be like "you're an ENFP so you're extraverted :)" like.... yes but also no? And then they'll be like "since you're an extravert you should work around people." Ummm... Every time I have to work a job with other people I end up SHing or having to call the suicide hotline by the end of the third month. So you're wrong and you should die. Anyway. I hope all employers get blown up. 

Well that's all I have for now, any other typing systems I should check out? 

Comment below your types, or your thoughts on typology!

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f💋's profile picture

FELT. MBTI used for employment is the worst. Especially since it's empirically an inaccurate personality test; everyone can get any answer because all the criteria are too broad. That's why you get that "yes but no" feeling. Big5 solos

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