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Category: Life


Im so jelly over all my friends like ALL of them. Its so annoying. I hate it when my friends become friends with other people, I HATE when they start dating people because it scares me. I wanna write about somebody but I can’t because they might see, but its just so bad. Even when my friends talk about other people it pisses me off. Im in a trio and I know at least one of them will see this but we live in different states. They live in the same one and I live pretty far away. Sometimes they talk about meeting up in our gc that we have but I cant go and it genuinely upsets me and I know it shouldn’t because they should be able to meet and I shouldn’t stop them but its so upsetting because I cant go and what if they meet snd become super super close snd dont wanna be friends with me anymore or something.

anyways thats my thoughts on that. 

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