I Used Human Design And Astrology To Buy A New Phone

Made a decision, followed my Human Design authority, checked the transits and I feel really good about it. It was a satisfied feeling and true to the Sacral authority description, the process was simple from beginning to end. No resistance.

 (Lol, now my mind is trying to find reasons that count as resistance as I’m writing this to discredit  how I feel and whether it was a good decision or not when all week my mind was trying to convince me to make a decision on the spot because I might miss out. Silly brain 😂) 

I talked to T-Mobile and they mocked me for wanting to order on a specific date because of astrology (hey, they asked what was the hold up. 🤷🏽‍♀️)

AT&T was okay, but the bill each month was higher than what I’m paying now and it just didn’t sit right with me. Plus, quite a lot of Sagittarians kept suggesting I go with AT&T and that’s automatically a 🚩🚩🚩🚩 (Sagittarius is my Solar 12th and I have Uranus there.)

Verizon thinks they’re royalty of phone service. Why are their plans that fucking much? 

I refuse to do Cricket, Metro, or any other prepaid and I’m trying to switch from Boost. Customer service just sucks with prepaid compared to others.

So out of nowhere something said…”Try Xfinity.” I never considered them a choice in mobile service, but I use them for unlimited high speed internet.
I went on the site, logged into my account, no credit check, bill is same amount as I paid on my Galaxy S9 when I got it, picked my iPhone 13 Pro and paid the taxes on it and ✨boom✨. Phone on the way. No second guessing, seamless process, and feelings of satifications. 

✨Transit Venus is sextile my Venus, 
✨Transit Mars trine my Venus, 
✨Transit Mercury trine my Mars, 
✨Transit Sun sextile my Sun, 
✨Transit Moon trine my Saturn, sextile my Sun and Jupiter
✨Transit Neptune sextile my Sun
✨🚩Uranus sextile my Mars, oppose my Ascendant (wide orb)
✨🚩Transit Saturn (wide orb) trine my Moon, Square my Ascendant and Pluto. 
🚩Transit Jupiter square Saturn
💫Pluto Conjunct my Jupiter

Come to find out, one of my Facebook friends said I actually made an excellent choice because I get all the benefits of Verizon converge without Verizon prices because Xfinity uses their towers and personally Xfinity customer services has always been wonderful and efficient so now I don’t even have to Apple for help either. Xfinity will replace missing and broken devices. 

3 Kudos


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Bacon 🥓

Bacon 🥓's profile picture


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by Marie Rousseau ; ; Report


Steve's profile picture

I'm trying to escape from the last vestiges of AT&T and go to Verizon. Wish me luck!

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Well wishes to your new telecommunication journey!🙏🏽💕✨

by Marie Rousseau ; ; Report


Kat's profile picture

I have never seen another person dog on Verizon like that and it’s SO TRUE. Why do they think they are the king of all phone companies?! They’re expensive and their customer service sucks.

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thank you! And come to find out we don't need them with xfinity leeching off their towers anyway haha

by Marie Rousseau ; ; Report

Haha nice finding ways to stick it to em xD

by Kat; ; Report

Goblin Teatime

Goblin Teatime's profile picture

It's really cool you found a way to get a phone that worked for you! I am confused though: Why is it a red flag to have lots of Sagittarians recommend AT&T?

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Because in my solar chart as a Capricorn Sun, Sagittarius is in my 12th house which is the house of undoing and sorrow. Sure it's also hope and imagination and charity, but unless they're buying it for me, going on their word alone can cause some regret on my part. Especially with technology because the planet that rules technology (Uranus) in my chart is also in Sagittarius- the 12th house and it squares Mars.

This is particularly to me and my design though. This is not true for every Capricorn Sun.

by Marie Rousseau ; ; Report

Thank you for filling me in! I am not very well versed in astrology. It's quite complicated, but interesting!

by Goblin Teatime; ; Report