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Category: Music


Hey everyone. I'm really excited to announce that Theoretically recovered corrupt memories is finally complete after being in production since February. It's the best thing I've released yet.


Hopefully I will be able to make a PayPal account this Tuesday, and if it all goes according to plan, Sonic4 Test Records will be a real label account on Bandcamp and people will be able to purchase CDs and Vinyls from Kunaki.

What does this mean?

Being a "real label" doesn't mean I will put my albums into the mainstream media. Think of it as like a group of artists that are all under one label. If I convert my account into a label, you'll see something like this... Sonic4 Test Records 
(WARNING: this is just for demonstration purposes only, not the real thing.)

All of the albums released under Sonic4 Test Records will be under the music tab, and by many different artists too. Not just one Bandcamp, but 4 artists' albums will all be visible in "music" tab. 

And also, people will be able to make a purchase on Bandcamp if they want to. Instead of Free Download, it will say "Name your price." What this means is, if you want to get it for free, you can put in 0 dollars. But if anyone wants to donate or something, they can also do that if they want to.
Bandcamp encourages this, so why not?

What about Kunaki?

Kunaki is a company that makes CDs and Vinyls for you. What this means is, you can buy CDs and Vinyls from Sonic4 Test Records, and they will be produced and delivered to your doorstep without me even worrying about it. The minimum price for Vinyls are 33$. I cannot make a lower price than this, so you have to pay up. And shipping fees and miscellaneous costs will also differ depending on where you are and what you bought. I will update the Sonic4 Test Records Shop accordingly. (More info on this later, check back if I make a new blog post.)

Anything else?

Yeah, I got more stuff to tell. So much stuff to tell.

First off, The Protagonist's albums got moved into a different Bandcamp. (if you don't know already)

Second off, now that TRCM is complete, my YouTube channel will have Full Album uploads of every single Sonic4 Test Records release as a way to archive the past, and to present my albums to a brand new audience. Who knows, maybe I'll get more popular. And yes, deleted albums also count. (This may change in the future, but I am planning to upload all albums in a chronological order with all of their artworks and tracklists.)

Third off, the event and visuals for TRCM will be a real thing. It sounds crazy, but I will LITERALLY PULL UP TO THE DESTROYED RUINS OF MY OLD SCHOOL. I will host the listening event there, and I will also record a bunch of footage to be included in the visual version. The visuals will probably not be something like the previous ones, but just as a backdrop for the track player.

Oh and also, Der Haaland and a special^release from YOur senpai got deleted. You can find them on the VaultKid microsite.

Anything else?

I am working on "Additionally recovered memories", which will be a continuation of TRCM in an experimental style. Think of it as like comparing The Death Of Blox (The Source) to The Death Of Blox (Additional) but way more different. It will be complete soon, so stay tuned.

The next releases by The Protagonist are planned, but I don't know when I will start working on them. I have some ideas, but I don't want to spoil anything. You'll see when it happens.

What about Sonic4? Well, I don't know. The same old thing goes. DFTLC05, and SNC-05 are paused. Read my older blogposts for more information.

That's pretty much it, I'm also updating the website once more but it's just small changes that won't take me too long. 

I don't know what else to say, there are a lot of things going on in the background. I'll see you on the next release! (or the next blogpost.)

0 Kudos


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