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Category: Blogging

1st entry (random ramble)

I spent all of the past 4 days with my boyfriend. It was so much fun. He made me grilled cheese sandwiches and we got wine drunk and watched corny tv shows and ate a ton of junk food. I watched Human Resources (it's silly but goodish) and Miseducation (South African show on Netflix, which I do recommend) and Fatal Seduction. It was nice. But this all came after I suggested that we should maybe break up last Saturday. Tbh we circle back to almost breaking up every 2 months or so, but we never do. Oh he also has this really cute fish and chips place near his house that sells phenomenal fried hake. I'm still trying to get my thoughts in order because I have to deal with him, the nonsense at home, school and my best friend's drama, but I feel a bit better lately. Normally a really in-depth version of events would go into my diary, but I burnt that last week. It was getting too risky for me to keep it around my family lol. But I love oversharing and writing about my life because it's how I think through things and I like keeping records, so this is basically gonna be my new thought space, and I don't mind it being public since nobody knows me here and I have a really entertaining life. Like the night I tried MDMA, or the time we went clubbing in another province with total strangers. 

xoxo though

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