ZAMIII x3's profile picture

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Category: Friends

dni list!!1! :o

 🟆 Plz read this before add me waahh. From what is written in my profile, this gives you a   little more information, sooo yea, READ THIS OR I'M GONNA EAT U/j 


 Nuh uh. 

🟊 Racists, homophobes, ablaists, pedos. D:

🟊 Under 12, uh-uh.

🟊 Accs that promote their music, nuh uh.

🟊 Toxic ppl or ppl with weird fetishes.

🟊 Proshippers.

 Ok.. ? Idc. 

🟊 18+ (if i add u so dw, we lov u)


🟊 I never respond on time.

🟊 I lov writing like thiz. (amo escrivir axi, en español tmb para k t des una idea)

🟊 Plz don't vent idfk how to help.

 YUH UH!1!!1:D 

🟊 Ppl who speak Spanish or are from latam. Por favor.

🟊 Blood Soup, OFF or Misao.

🟊 Rp accs. (plz)

🟊 Artistz!1!1

Black Bat

0 Kudos


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