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Category: Life


HIHIHI YOU GUYS!! I haven' t spoke to y' all in a while!! School is lowkey sucking rn :( It' s not even hard, just super totally BORING !! I joined my X Country team tho, and so far I am LUVING IT!! I've always liked running, and I ran for the team last year too. I do track in the spring also.  I've got all As in my classes, school is super easy this year. The only thing I'm not really looking forward to are my French and Science regents this year :( They're both for high school credits, and I'll be able to drop an extra class if I pass, so I'm gonna try super hard to keep up in especially those classes !! I made new friends too !! So far the year is pretty neutral, hopefully it says that way XD BYE GUYS !! 

1 Kudos


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