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Category: Life

Entry about what type of self government is best:

i may be biased because i’m part Cree, but I think that the Cree way of governance is the best !! this is because similarly to the Ojibwe and the Haudenosaunee, they have clans and bands. basically bands are made of multiple clans, and like clans are just yunno, extended family. each clan is unique and had their own roles as well. anyways, they also have chiefs running everything, and a grand chief who heads the grand council. every year they have a meeting and talk about like what happened in that year and like the plan for the future of what’s to come. however they like changed it kinda recently (2007) and they have a squad of nine people named the business committee (talk about fancy LOL). the business committee is picked by locals from different areas. AND !! the way they make decisions is through group discussions. these group discussions include everyone, even the younger people !! so like i could totally influence big decisions if i ever decided to join which is super sick .. everyones voice can be heard !! anyways, i vouch for the Cree way of self-governance.

but like overall, everyone’s way of self-governance is unique, and like i can’t be biased too much rofl :p but like these ways have been proven to work for all these Indigenous groups for like wayyyy over a hundred years!!  its totes lame that some groups can’t even govern themselves because the government is like an opressive loser. anyways Dyani out !!! PEACE and YOLO <3

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