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Category: Music

music sucks and rocks at the same time

So I've got a bit of a dilemma - I love music! who dosen't? but I've had a serious lack of motivation:p Ive mentioned my guitar b4, it's the very basic beginner black Nova one (you know the one) and its got this really kewl red and gold rose embroidered strap and I love the look of it. I play another instrument, picked up for my band class, the clarinet. I love my clarinet dearly and I cant wait 2 play it again when band picks up again !! (thought ill b pretty rusty after 2 month of not playing) 

This year of HS I got both band and strings instrumental 2nd semester and hopefully that'll put me into a sort of instrument/music high and i just get so much motivation that i do truly pick up my guitar and actually learn - I just get discouraged listening 2 my favourite bands thinking "how can anyone do that?" and think ill never learn to play. What if I'm just bad at strings? well I guess i can figure that out in strings instrumental - I wanna play either a violin or viola, that'd b fun

I like to write songs as well, usually sounding like emo poetry lolz, but its a start ! 1 day I hope 2 b in a band:) that b kewl - kinda like MCR yknow?

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