Thoughts on Fanon Tweek

I think this is fairly common knowledge (i'd hope) but I hate how mischaracterized Tweek is in the southpark fandom? LIKE, it feels like people see him as an accessory to Craig rather then his own person and I don't know it just really ticks me off.

Like,  from the episodes he's in early seasons he's threatened someone with an RPG to save Kyle, Stan & Kenny because he genuinely cares about them. It's insane to me that people don't think Tweek can stand up for himself?? Its baffling I tell you!! Like, he held himself well in the fucking Tweek vs Craig episode?? They were BOTH hospitalized.

It pisses me off searching up "Tweek Fanart" and finding mostly Creek. Not to mention the HEIGHT difference between the two that you usually find in fanart. RURGHRGHRG The infantalization is fucking crazy. Tweek doesn't need Craig to "save" him he's fine on his own. The fact this is happening to the canon gay characters is fucking gross.

anyway rant over :)

Tweek with his kick ass RPG

6 Kudos


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