Hello folks, I've started college this week kind of unprepared for the work i didn't think I'd need to do until later in my term, but the work i am made to do is kind of silly to me.
I am doing 2 classes for the fall term, writing and computer science, and for writing I'm supposed to write an essay about this psychologist whose articles focus around mental health and smartphones. This to me almost sounds like the average old-headed guy's rant on new tech but said by an intellectual, so it MUST be so true right? i love science!!! <B^O
For my computer science class, we currently are just learning about digital info and binary which in itself is quite average until i saw this question in my lab assignment, it linked an article about Fortnite stealing rappers' dance moves that were available to buy in the game. How am I supposed to take most of this college work seriously with all these silly things? is it to grab engagement in people my age??
Im hoping my effort wont get me dropped on the first week at least. Has anyone experienced things like this in their college terms or is it just the college I'm attending?
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