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Category: Life


hey hotties

on today's blog we'll be talking about languages i wanna learn and languages i hate. let's dive into it head first, shall we?

wanna learn <3 :
- spanish (a.k.a latin ig): LOVE LOVE this one and wanna learn bcs shakira and lele pons duh icons
- my own language: it would be SO FETCH if i created and taught my own language to my besties. maybe i will. stay tuned for that.
- english: even tho i know this language by heart i'm always open to learning new words n shit, like yesterday, i learned a new word "cresendo' which means increasing loudness. i'm so cresendo in class :3
- greek: my WHOLE family speaks this one bcs we used to live there when i was a baby, which is why i dk it bcs we came back to our birth country way too soon, and i think it's beautiful but i'm to lazayyyy.

HATE <3 :
- italian: this one i'm taught in school and i wanted to learn it so bad but it's so boring plus i hate the teacher so..
- french: also was taught this one in middle school but i had no interest in it WHATSOEVER so i always would get D's or F's (except for this one time i ATE when i read so beautifully bcs my nerd sister had taught me the day before cuz i wanted a good grade hihihi)

anyways, don't be like me, learning new languages whatever they are or however they sound is always good and u should go for it if u get the chance bcs yea..

peace out hoes <3

3 Kudos


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☞︎︎︎𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚌𝚊𝚝☜︎︎︎'s profile picture

Spanish is beautiful language. good language.

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i think so too :3

by klavjo; ; Report


bloodshot!!'s profile picture

thats cool!! i speak romanian, french and english + im currently learning arabic (which is a TOTAL pain in the ass). good luck w/ the languages you wanna learn!

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omg idk how u have the patience but good for u and good luck with learning arabic ADN thank you lolz :)<3

by klavjo; ; Report


by bloodshot!!; ; Report